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"Aura, Sudevi and Mukti have put together a multi-dimensional and
gorgeously textured education with this trip. The instructors at
Sunshine Massage School maintain the ancient practices of Thai
bodywork and are trained in both medical and folk applications of the
art. Learning along side other artists and practitioners who are
willing to travel the world for the best education possible was
equally inspiring. Every day, in and out of the classroom, (waking for
morning meditation and yoga, singing on bus rides, sweating through
the many temples, befriending amazing adventurers, laughing through
the markets and colliding into piles of each other in the tuk tuks)
was filled with experiences that enriched the way that I experience
and express this art form and even my self. It was profoundly
transforming! Every. Single. Moment."
-Brianna Colón, LMT

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